Inquirers–We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

—International Baccalaureate® Learner Profile

One of my favorite things about education is that it shows us so much about ourselves and who we are beneath the surface. Right now, I am impressed with the depth of resilience shown across our country: students are moving to online and at home instruction, teachers have completely changed how they deliver content while still supporting accessible learning, and administrators are planning for countless potential outcomes. For students in high school, there is still a need to plan for their next steps: eventual post-secondary education and training. In any other year, Spring is prime time for college and university enrollment and recruitment; students travel to campuses and engage in local recruitment and retention events, ask questions of faculty, and imagine what life would be like on each campus.  But Covid-19 has effectively killed the old way of doing things: campuses are closed, professors are at home, administrators cannot travel for recruitment, and students are stuck at home. And yet, students must make decisions. 

Fortunately, we live in the time of the internet, and higher education has embraced the virtual world. Over the last two months, colleges have been burning both ends of the candle to help students decide their next steps. From virtual information sessions to online college fairs, students have never had so many opportunities to engage with colleges directly.

Recognizing the benefits of virtual engagement, the Texas Council on International Studies and Texas IB Schools have taken their annual, IB student-only, College Fair online too! Under the adroit and steady leadership of Karen Phillips and Margaret Davis, the Texas IB Schools College Fair 2020 is providing a unique and influential opportunity for Texas IB students to engage with over 60 colleges who want to enroll IB students! Unlike other fairs, the Texas IB Schools College Fair 2020 will provide students five months to explore each college’s video presentation. The best part of the fair? These colleges know the International Baccalaureate® and value our students’ scholastic preparation and the hard work done each day. While many institutions have robust virtual information sessions and tours, they rarely go into specifics around curriculums. At the Texas IB Schools College Fair, our students will gain direct information from senior admission officers at institutions like Johns Hopkins University and The University of Texas at Austin. Students will learn about programs and majors, student life, and specific opportunities for Texans and IB students. Many of the institutions have recorded videos specifically for this fair and are eager to connect with our students across San Antonio. We are so excited about this free opportunity and invite you to attend today!

The Texas IB Schools College Fair 2020 is like no other and is a wonderful way for our students to apply their skills as they continue to make plans for their future with enthusiasm and love of learning.